Knowledge Skills and Abilities


  • Java Enterprise Edition, JDBC website for social networking
  • REST API server, client in python
  • Various REST API calls to use webserivces (chatbot, TTS, etc.)


  • batch file that executes multiple commands to compile java files, compress the files into a war file, execute docker commands (for windows)


  • Multiple Python GUI (tkinter library) that uses object oriented programming to keep track of the instances
  • Multiple Java Object-Oriented programming (Card game, maze solver both DFS and BFS, Multi-threaded producer-consumer programminig, Java servlets, etc.)

SDLC (Traditional)

A process that clearly defines objectives and controllable processes with clear documentation.

  • V-Shaped Model
  • Iterative Approach
  • Spiral SDLC model
  • Waterfall

SDLC (Agile)

A process that produces software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time period.

  1. Requirement
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Review

Relational Database Technology

  • For a website, relational database management system (PSQL) was used to manage multiple tables for different fuctionalities (online state, efficient data storage, user data, post data)
  • MySQL server

Software application development

  • JAVA servlets for GET/POST requests from website
  • imported JAVA SQL driver that can use SQL queries to use SQL (in secure way, prevents XSS, XSRF, SQL injection)

Testing Debugging and Reparing

  • For Java files, testing input, eclipse debugger, repair semantic errors using trace/step from the debugger
  • For Web development, make sure to check exceiptions for any unexpected errors, setup the loggers, testing input, check the log files, check the point of failure, meet software specificaitons

Problem Solving Analytic skills

  • enter

Independence at work

  • Spontaneous learner, once the specifications are clear, find helpful APIs/libraries documentations/man pages to learn.

Cooperation at work

  • Github, Gitlab, docker, docker-compose set up (version control)